Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Golf Hag's - They never learn.

I am happy to announce, the golf hags will NOT disappoint us this season..

The dumb broads are already at it...day one and here we go! ha!

I can't stand people who put on aires and look down their noses at people. Especially broke-ass-in-debt-wanna-be phoneys!

needless to say, I have little to no respect for those kinds of people. Greedy Mudderphuckers piss me off also. Lucky me, I get that and a whole lot worse from the members of my golf club.

Some of the men are just as bad as the women. Get real, Be real.

I was out and about today doing drills with my new golf partner, now mind you she is legally blind, so I am her eyes for the most part. I have been teaching her how to golf, and oh boy oh boy oh boy, she is already hitting em better than most of the sighted women who have had professional teachers...giggles..
This poor blind gal has wanted to golf for years and the women kinda shunned her. Don't ask me why..I would go out of my way to say hi and spark general conversation and help her out with clothes donations and such for her and her 5 children. I would give her kids jobs pulling weeds and such out of the sand bunkers at the course and other easy to do kid jobs, paying them out of my pocket each time. Like herself, her children are well behaved and hard workers. Love those kiddos.

But I digress...*squeels her tires and veers back on course*

anyhooo...this season I decided after a couple years off and after the partner from Hell issue, It was time to make a team with this blind gal. So I set it up and I am flipping the bill for her since she is a single working mother.
I am only interested in her enjoying herself playing a sport she has always been told she couldn't do without sight. Ha! I told her she could play and play well..just give me the chance to work with her a little bit. Thank Gawd she is a fast learner. *smiles* Phew! She is picking up the game real fast. I am very proud of her and happy for her.

*screeeech...veers back on course*

We were out today dinking around doing practice 'drills'. afterwards i decided to take her out to play 2 or 3 holes in order to teach her hands on how the handicap league plays and scores. better to go through it first hand rather than to just be told and hope it sticks and makes sense. Ha!
after 3 holes, we pulled out and she understood how it works and how someone with a high handicap can kick the crap out of someone with a low handicap while playing each other in a handicap game. I also was able to show how she in fact is a par golfer with her handcap..
I drop her off at her car, she loads up her clubs and I head out to go play a round, she was headed home because we werent playing a round of golf, we were doing golf drills and dinked around 3 holes.

As I head out I see queen golf hag march out and say something to Kit-Kat, thats my partners name. Queen of the golf hags is 'JoAr '. This fake ass bitch lived on welfare for 20 years then married a rich dude and now she thinks she is all fricken uppity and she really gets on my nerves. the truth of the matter is, JoAr and her hubby are in debt and can't afford the morgage on their 500,000.00 home..hehehehe! thats what that fake ass bitch gets. Ha!
This is such the case with most of the golf hags, with 1 or 2 exceptions. The women are so junior high girlish. I can't stand their cattiness and their little click. Which is a bunch of old fake broads who a nothing more than gossips and bullies........

whooops *screetch......*

I see JoAr, queen hag, and I know this bitch is up to something, she always is. I turn tail and head back and she sees me coming, she turns and tries to head inside all cocky..I yell "JoAR" whats the problem? She gets all snooty, hand on hip, doing the chicken neck and says, "she owe's for a round of golf" ... I sent Kit-kat off to home and told her I would take care of this.
I got grab my checkbook, and as I write the check JoAr is standing all cocky acting like she got one over on us like a big bully....Well I decide to let her know what time it is...

the conversation went something like this...

J: Well maybe you should buy a punch card for her.
(I had already planned on buying the 12 game punch card for kit-kat after i was done golfing today)
M: well JoAr, have you ever heard the term, Cutting of your nose to spit your face?
J: huh?!
M: yeah, well, You are getting your 17.00, however, you will be losing future earnings in the thousands.
J: (in a shooty ass tone) OH!?
Me: Yeah, because you pulled this trick, and wanted this 17 bucks so bad now you won't be getting any donations from me this season.
J: (not as snotty, but still fairly snotty tone) OH!?
Me: Nor will I be donating in order to make the golf course mortgage this month.
J: (in a much more deflated tone, starting to hear disappointment in her tone) Oh!?
Me: (Im still writing the check out mind you) OH, and I won't be buying the hole prizes for the ladies league this season, but hey, you got your 17.00 for the club, right!?
J: (in a weak, dissapointed tone, similar to a 5 year old who just realized she outsmarted herself and screwed herself out of something) oh!?
Me: Oh, and on my way out, I will be taking my name and Shrek's name of all the club tournaments. (this is a private small town club, it needs the revenue to keep going, and most of the members are broke and losing their homes..so they can't afford to lose revenue and need people to buy into the club tourneys)
Me: I won't be buying out of the clubhouse either......(I am the biggest buyer of women's merchadise in the pro-shop, again they need the profits to sustain the overhead.)

I finish filling out the check..I slide it over to her and as she reaches for it, I say "There, You got your 17.00, but now you have lost 1,000's of revenue in trade...was it worth it?"

I wish her a Have a Nice Day and I walked away...behind me I can her her stammering for words and not finding them..seriously, there are no words at this point. what could she possibly say right then that wouldnt make her an even bigger fool than she already was...

Lesson Learned...??? I doubt it, however, I am in hopes she takes heed.

I think she 'got' my point
Now tomorrow I get to start ladies league by having a group meeting with the league members, JoAr one of them, so she has approx 14 hours to gossip to the other hags about it. She may not, she may keep her mouth shut, but I doubt it, she, like the other hags, tend to twist this shit around when they relay the story..hehe! dumb bitches.

Oh, and to proove my point to her, I will NOT be bringing the hole prizes, nor will I be baking the ladies goodies for after the meeting like I usually do. When they ask why not, I will say, "ask JoAr" - Mind you I am not obligated to to any of these things, but I do and I do it out of the klindness of my heart, however, these people need to learn some P.R. and realize they are biting the hands that feeds them.
It's a give and take world, give us a little room to dink around one day for a little bit, and I will be happy to keep shoving my hard earned cash into the club..
Now, they can figure out how to make up for the lack of my donbations throughout the year.

Will let you know how it goes tomorrow during the meeting....Ha!